Monthly Meetings:
Cowee Community Development Organization meets monthly on the
4th Monday evening at 6:30PM at the
Cowee School Arts and
Heritage Center
, 51 Cowee School Drive.  In addition to our business
meeting, we enjoy a covered dish supper, and a guest speaker.
Please join us and bring a neighbor or friend!!
Event Information
Cowee Community Development Organization
CCDO Event Calendar
(Photo by Ralph Preston)
(Photo by Ralph Preston)
(Photo by Ralph Preston)


Buy your Cowee Tag Today!!
Just $12.00

Tee Shirts & Hats Too!!
Just $15.00 each


The Event & Fund Raising
Committee Members:

Vern Davis; Committee Chairman
Claudette Dillard
Leon Ditch
Stacy Guffey
Don Mattoon
Emily McBride
Pat Monahan

We need more volunteers!!
Those of you who would be willing to participate in the
committee, or in the planning of
please plan on attending.